At The Kalka Law Group we represent individuals who have been injured due to the negligent, reckless or careless actions of others. In one such case, we are representing a client in a lawsuit against The AgeLess Center, A Studio for Cosmetic Enhancement, a medical spa located on Lenox Road in Atlanta. The center performs a variety of cosmetic procedures on the face, including Botox Cosmetic® and Fotofacials.
In the lawsuit against the Buckhead medical spa, we are arguing that after our client received a Fotofacial treatment at the spa, one of their doctors burned a hole in her face during the procedure.
Our client sought treatment at AgeLess on Lenox Road where she received a Fotofacial, which is known to treat a variety of skin conditions such as brown spots (from sun damage), facial redness, rosacea, broken capillaries, and facial redness. The Age Less Center markets the treatment as providing the same results as laser therapy or a chemical peel but with an “average of zero downtime, no blisters, no scarring and minimal pain.” .
Shortly after receiving the fotofacial, an area on our client’s cheek which was treated aggressively started to swell and puss formed. Once the puss popped, a scab formed. When she returned to the center for them to look at the wound, the doctor at the center told her that the scab needed to be removed. The doctor ripped off our client’s scab. She had a hole where the scab was for months and now she has a permanent scarmarking her cheek.
It turns out the doctor running the facility, and who ripped off our client’s scab, is a podiatrist, not a medical doctor. . Legally, he is only allowed to treat from the knee to the feet.
When Channel 2’s Craig Lucie tried to contact a manager at AgeLess by phone, the manager declined to answer his questions. When Lucie went to the center directly, the employees at the center locked the front doors as Channel 2’s cameras approached the facility.
We recommend others look past credentials stated on cosmetic center’s websites as they can be misleading. Before receiving any kind of treatment, even if it involves dermal fillers and non-surgical enhancements., check whether the doctor in charge is a licensed physician with the State Medical Board and check his or her specific specialty. When you are dealing with the face, being in the hands of the wrong doctor can lead to permanent facial paralysis, scarring and disfigurement and this is not something anyone wants to have happen to them.