Sustaining physical injuries in a car accident can be devastating and present unforeseen challenges for years to come.

However, the psychological harm of a car accident can be just as damaging to your life as the physical harm.

Read on to learn more about whether it is possible to file a lawsuit for psychological harm as a result of a car accident.

Emotional Distress

When filing a personal injury case for a car accident, you may pursue damages for pain and suffering. This typically refers to any physical pain and emotional distress you have endured as a result of the crash.

Emotional distress can occur when another’s behavior causes you to suffer harm mentally, including:

  • Anguish
  • Humiliation
  • Torment
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Depression

A viable emotional distress claim must include the following elements:

  • The distress is significant and not fleeting.
  • Another’s negligent conduct caused you to experience distress.
  • The distress you experience is medically consequential.

When preparing your pain and suffering claim, the damages you pursue for emotional distress must be supported by the appropriate documentation and evidence, including, but not limited to:

  • Medical records
  • Images
  • Doctor’s notes

When evaluating the worth of your emotional distress claim, it is wise to take the following into consideration:

  • The severity of your distress.
  • The extent of the pain.
  • Any related bodily damage.
  • The underlying reason for your pain.
  • A doctor’s note on your psychological symptoms.

It’s a good idea to collect evidence that can support the above elements. A personal journal that details your psychological or emotional health condition can also be a valuable form of evidence.

If You’ve Suffered Harm In A Crash, We Can Help

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our skilled team for help if you’ve sustained physical and mental injuries as a result of a car accident. You’ve already been through a lot, and you shouldn’t have to worry about how you’ll pay for medical bills or anything else related to the crash. We’re here to help you now.

We offer free consultations and we know how to assist you. Contact our office right away to discuss the details of your case by calling (404) 529-9371 or filling out the online contact form.